35 research outputs found

    Computer vision and optimization methods applied to the measurements of in-plane deformations

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    Complications after lower body contouring surgery due to massive weight loss unaffected by weight loss method

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    Body contouring surgery following massive weight loss positively affects a patient's quality of life. However, the procedure is prone to complications. Herein, we stratified complications timewise. Furthermore, we examined whether the weight loss method - bariatric surgery or lifestyle changes - affected the frequency or severity of complications. In this single-centre retrospective analysis, we included 158 patients with massive weight loss undergoing body contouring surgery between 2009 and 2015. We recorded 96 complications in 80 patients, with an overall rate of 51%. Most complications (80.2%) were minor (Clavien-Dindo grades 1 and 2) and superficial wound infections. Immediate complications (0-24 hours postoperation) affected 8.3% of patients, with early complications (1-7 post-operative days) affecting 16.7% of them and late complications (8-30 post-operative days) affecting 58.3% of them. We found no statistical difference in complication rates when comparing bariatric and non-bariatric patients. Older age (p = 0.042) at operation is associated with an increased risk for immediate haematoma or bleeding requiring surgery. Among early complications, a high maximum weight (p = 0.035) and a high preoperative weight (p = 0.0053) significantly correlated with a haematoma or bleeding requiring surgery. For late complications, seroma correlated with older age (p =0.0061). Complications are primarily minor and non-life threatening after body contouring surgery because of frequent massive weight loss. Here, no particular subgroup of massive weight loss patients appeared more prone to complications. Thus, for each patient, the risks associated with body contouring surgery following massive weight loss should be considered individually. (C) 2018 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Survey on Recent Advances in Integrated GNSSs Towards Seamless Navigation Using Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology

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    During the past few decades, the presence of global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) such as GPS, GLONASS, Beidou and Galileo has facilitated positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) for various outdoor applications. With the rapid increase in the number of orbiting satellites per GNSS, enhancements in the satellite-based augmentation systems (SBASs) such as EGNOS and WAAS, as well as commissioning new GNSS constellations, the PNT capabilities are maximized to reach new frontiers. Additionally, the recent developments in precise point positioning (PPP) and real time kinematic (RTK) algorithms have provided more feasibility to carrier-phase precision positioning solutions up to the third-dimensional localization. With the rapid growth of internet of things (IoT) applications, seamless navigation becomes very crucial for numerous PNT dependent applications especially in sensitive fields such as safety and industrial applications. Throughout the years, GNSSs have maintained sufficiently acceptable performance in PNT, in RTK and PPP applications however GNSS experienced major challenges in some complicated signal environments. In many scenarios, GNSS signal suffers deterioration due to multipath fading and attenuation in densely obscured environments that comprise stout obstructions. Recently, there has been a growing demand e.g. in the autonomous-things domain in adopting reliable systems that accurately estimate position, velocity and time (PVT) observables. Such demand in many applications also facilitates the retrieval of information about the six degrees of freedom (6-DOF - x, y, z, roll, pitch, and heading) movements of the target anchors. Numerous modern applications are regarded as beneficiaries of precise PNT solutions such as the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), the automatic guided vehicles (AGV) and the intelligent transportation system (ITS). Hence, multi-sensor fusion technology has become very vital in seamless navigation systems owing to its complementary capabilities to GNSSs. Fusion-based positioning in multi-sensor technology comprises the use of multiple sensors measurements for further refinement in addition to the primary GNSS, which results in high precision and less erroneous localization. Inertial navigation systems (INSs) and their inertial measurement units (IMUs) are the most commonly used technologies for augmenting GNSS in multi-sensor integrated systems. In this article, we survey the most recent literature on multi-sensor GNSS technology for seamless navigation. We provide an overall perspective for the advantages, the challenges and the recent developments of the fusion-based GNSS navigation realm as well as analyze the gap between scientific advances and commercial offerings. INS/GNSS and IMU/GNSS systems have proven to be very reliable in GNSS-denied environments where satellite signal degradation is at its peak, that is why both integrated systems are very abundant in the relevant literature. In addition, the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems are widely adopted in the literature for its capability to provide 6-DOF to mobile vehicles and autonomous robots. LiDARs are very accurate systems however they are not suitable for low-cost positioning due to the expensive initial costs. Moreover, several other techniques from the radio frequency (RF) spectrum are utilized as multi-sensor systems such as cellular networks, WiFi, ultra-wideband (UWB) and Bluetooth. The cellular-based systems are very suitable for outdoor navigation applications while WiFi-based, UWB-based and Bluetooth-based systems are efficient in indoor positioning systems (IPS). However, to achieve reliable PVT estimations in multi-sensor GNSS navigation, optimal algorithms should be developed to mitigate the estimation errors resulting from non-line-of-sight (NLOS) GNSS situations. Examples of the most commonly used algorithms for trilateration-based positioning are Kalman filters, weighted least square (WLS), particle filters (PF) and many other hybrid algorithms by mixing one or more algorithms together. In this paper, the reviewed articles under study and comparison are presented by highlighting their motivation, the methodology of implementation, the modelling utilized and the performed experiments. Then they are assessed with respect to the published results focusing on achieved accuracy, robustness and overall implementation cost-benefits as performance metrics. Our summarizing survey assesses the most promising, highly ranked and recent articles that comprise insights into the future of GNSS technology with multi-sensor fusion technique.©2021 The Authors. Published by ION.fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Actualized lower body contouring surgery after bariatric surgery - a nationwide register-based study

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    Massive weight loss might lead to excess skin folds causing functional, physical, and psychosocial discomfort. Following bariatric procedures, an increasing number of patients are seeking lower body contouring surgery (LBCS). The proportion of bariatric patients who undergo LBCS is largely unknown. The aim of this current study was to analyse the incidence and realization of LBCS in bariatric patients in Finland. National retrospective register linkage study including all adult patients who received bariatric surgery in Finland during 1998-2016. The data were obtained from the Finnish national health registers maintained by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Altogether 1089 (14.1%) of 7703 bariatric patients underwent LBCS during the study period. The majority of the LBCS procedures were abdominoplasty (89%). Median latency between bariatric surgery and LBCS was 31 months. The patients with LBCS were younger (p <0.001) and received sleeve gastrectomy (p <0.001). We revealed an annual correlation between LBCS and bariatric procedures (r = 0.683). With a two-year latency between the bariatric and post-bariatric operations, the correlation co-efficiency was strong (r = 0.927). LBCS operations ranged from 5 to 215 per hospital district. Most LBCSs (97.3%) were performed in public hospitals, and some (41%) were performed in university hospitals. This study shows that only 14.1% of bariatric patients undergo LBCS. There is a correlation between bariatric procedures and succeeding plastic surgical reconstructive procedures.Peer reviewe

    Fast fixed-point bicubic interpolation algorithm on FPGA

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    We propose a fast fixed-point algorithm for bicubic interpolation on FPGA. Bicubic interpolation algorithms on FPGA are mainly used in image processing systems and based on floating-point calculation. In these systems, calculations are synchronized with the frame rate and reduction of computation time is achieved designing a particular hardware architecture. Our system is intended to work with images or other similar applications like industrial control systems. The fast and energy efficient calculation is achieved using a fixed-point implementation. We obtained a maximum frequency of 27.26 MHz, a relative quantization error of 0.36% with the fractional number of bits being 7, logic utilization of 8%, and about 30% of energy saving in comparison with a C-program on the embedded HPS for the popular Matlab test function Peaks(25,25) data on SoCkit development kit (Terasic), chip: Cyclone V, 5CSXFC6D6F31C8. The experiments confirm the feasibility of the proposed method.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Pregnancy and delivery after lower body contouring surgery is safe for the mother and child

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    Background: Obesity in fertile age women has increased worldwide leading to increased bariatric procedures. Lower body contouring surgery (LBCS) is one of the most commonly performed esthetic operations, mainly owing to massive weight loss. However, there is a paucity of data regarding pregnancy and delivery after LBCS. In this study, we examined whether LBCS influences pregnancy or delivery and mother and baby outcome. Methods: In this national registry-based study, we used data from the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare and the Causes of Death registry. We included fertile age women, from 18 to 54 years who had LBCS with or without a bariatric procedure and who experienced pregnancy and delivery were compared to all deliveries in Finland during 1999-2016. Results: We identified 92 women who had LBCS before delivery. These 92 women had planned cesarean sections more often (P Conclusion: Pregnancy and delivery are safe for the mother and the baby after LBCS. The possible deviations from normal pregnancy and delivery should be discussed with fertile age women seeking LBCS. (C) 2020 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Spectrum, Volume 12, Number 20

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    Highlights include: 1994 was the first year in which any member of the University community could be awarded the 30 year honor. Last year. Registrar Douglas Bohn and Professor Maria Toiriera were handed medals for their service. This year Professor of Mathematics Raoul DeVilliers and Professor of Art Virginia Zic will receive 30 year medals -- Twelve faculty members, representing all disciplines, have become involved in a new Writing Advisory Board. Director of Freshman Communications Dr. Alison Warriner formed the board with the future of writing instruction at Sacred Heart University in mind. The Writing Advisory Board is currently discussing options to bring a writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) program to SHU --Four professors take sabbatical: professors will be involved in projects designed to enhance their effectiveness as university faculty. Associate Professor of philosophy, Dr. Edward A. Papa, in his eighth year with the University will be writing. Dr. Gary L. Rose, professor of political science, will be completing his fourth book The American presidency under siege. After 29 years with the University, Associate Professor of biology. Dr. Carol Schofield will undertake the task of redesigning the University’s anatomy and physiology laboratories, using a multi-media interactive approach to learning. Ninth year history professor Dr. Thomas Curran will be involved in several research projects. His primary focus will be on revising his dissertation, “Education and Society in Republican China,” which deals with the changing status of intellectuals --Professor Jonathan Matte makes Math magnificent

    Talouskalojen arvojen määrittäminen ja ehdotus laittomasti pyydettyjen kalojen korvausarvoiksi

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    Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön (MMM) ja Luonnonvarakeskuksen (Luke) välisessä palvelusopimuksessa vuodelle 2018 Lukelle annettiin tehtäväksi määrittää arvot laittomasti pyydetyille kaloille laji- ja kantakohtaisesti. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa ehdotus kalastuslain muutoksen yhteydessä asetettaviksi korvausarvoiksi laittomasti pyydetyille kaloille. Sopimuksen mukaan hanke tuli toteuttaa vuosina 2018–2019 ja alustavan luonnoksen raportista tuli olla valmiina 31.12.2018. Tämä on hankkeen loppuraportti. Tässä työssä kehitettiin laskentatapa, ja laadittiin ehdotus korvausarvoiksi taloudellisesti hyödynnettäville kalajeille. Korvausarvoja tarvitaan, jos kaloihin kohdistuu sellainen kalastusrikos tai – rikkomus, jossa tekijä voidaan tuomita korvaamaan valtiolle laittomasti pyydetyn kalan arvo lajinsa edustajana. Tehtävää varten laskettiin euromääräiset suojeluarvot kaikille taloudellisesti hyödynnettäville kalalajeille ja jokiravulle. Kalojen suojeluarvot laskettiin muokkaamalla Väisäsen (1996) kehittämää, luonnonsuojelulain piirissä olevien lajien suojeluarvojen laskentakaavaa A= ((U*S)/K)*X€, jossa A on yksilön arvo euroina, U on lajin uusiutumiskyky, S on suojelun tarve, K lajin runsausindeksi ja X valitun lajin suojelukustannusten perusteella laskettu eurokerroin. Kaloille muokatussa laskentakaavassa käytettiin osin samoja muuttujia kuin Väisäsen kaavassa: uusiutumiskertoimen määrittämiseen sukukypsän yksilön mediaanipainoa, suojelun tarpeen määrittämiseen uhanalaisuusluokan perusteella annettua pistearvoa (1, 5, 10, 15, 20) ja lajin runsauden arvioimiseen sen esiintymisaluetta. Näiden lisäksi kalojen suojeluarvojen laskennassa käytettiin uusiutymiskyvyn arviointiin sukukypsän aikuisen keskimääräistä ikää ja suojeluntarpeen määrittämiseen kalastusasetuksen rauhoitusmääräysten perusteella annettua pistemäärää (0, 2, 5, 10). Kaikkien lajien euromääräinen suojeluarvo standardoitiin Vuoksen nieriän suojelukustannuksista lasketulla kertoimella lukuunottamatta Vuoksen vesistön järvilohta, jolle oli mahdollista määrittää oma suojeluarvo. Suojeluarvo laskettiin kaikkiaan 61 kalalajille tai ekologiselle muodolle. Suojelullisesti arvokkaimpia ovat ankerias ja lohikalat, joiden korvausarvot olivat näin ollen korkeimmat: järvilohi Vuoksen ja Hiitolanjoen vesistössä 7 510€, nieriä Kuolimossa ja Saimaassa Puumalansalmen ja Vuoksenniskan välisellä alueella (koko vuoden) sekä muualla Vuoksen vesistössä syyskuun 1. päivästä marraskuun 30. päivään 5 100€, ankerias 3 510€; Jäämeren lohi 3 480€, Itämeren lohi 3 470€, taimen meressä ja mereen laskevassa joessa 3 260€, taimen sisävesissä 67°00’N eteläpuolella 2 440€ ja harjus meressä 1 360€. Laskennallisesti pienimmät arvot, vain yhden euron, saivat kiiski, kilohaili, muikku ja silakka. Laki kalastuslain muuttamisesta (427/2019) tuli voimaan 1.5.2019. Lakiin sisältyvä uusi menettämisseuraamus koskee seuraavia lajeja: lohi, järvilohi, ankerias, nahkiainen, taimen, harjus, nieriä, siian vaeltavat kannat ja jokirapu. Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön asetus uhanalaisten ja taantuneiden kalojen arvoista (614/2019) tuli voimaan 17.5.2019. Tässä raportissa ehdotetut korvausarvot otettiin asetukseen sellaisenaan niille lajeille, joita menettämisseuraamus koskee.201

    Puruveden harjuksen lisääntymis- ja pienpoikasalueet suhteessa erilaisiin rantatyyppeihin : FRESHABIT LIFE IP -projektin lisääntymisaluekartoitus Puruvedellä.

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    Osana Freshabit Life IP -hanketta kartoitettiin Puruvedellä järviharjuksen poikastuotantoalueita. Vuoksen vesistön järvikutuiset harjuskannat on luokiteltu vaarantuneiksi. Kartoitukset tehtiin nuottaamalla vuosina 2017 ja 2018. Nuottauspaikoiksi valittiin ennalta tiedettyjä harjuspaikkoja sekä samantyyppisiksi arvioituja alueita. Harjuksenpoikasten esiintymistä analysoitiin syvyyden, vuoden, rannan avoimuuden, pohjan leikkausjännityksen, pohjan karkeuden ja rannan suuntautumisen suhteen. Vuonna 2017 harjuksen poikasia saatiin 29 % nuotanvedoista ja vuonna 21 % nuottauksista. Rannan avoimuus ja pohjan karkeus olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä selittäviä muuttujia. Mitä avoimempi ranta, sitä todennäköisemmin harjuksenpoikasia löytyi. Pohjan karkeudessa suurin todennäköisyys oli hiekan ja soran dominoidessa. Tulokset vahvistavat aiempaa käsitystä siitä, että järvikutuisen harjuksen tärkeimpiä lisääntymisalueita ovat avoimet ja karut rannat. Käytetyn nuottausmenetelmän pyytävyys on voinut vaihdella erilaisissa habitaateissa, mikä on voinut vaikuttaa poikasten pyydystettävyyteen nimenomaan hienojakoisilla pohjilla